What are the benefits of using Vegetable Shortening for frying?
Vegetable shortening has premium characteristics when compared to oils for frying: it offers higher oxidative stability, higher performance, and also ensures crispier and less greasy food.
What does Cottonseed Oil is used for?
High in Omega-3- and -6-fatty acids and vitamin E, it is an oil suitable for deep frying, which requires high temperature, as it has good resistance to temperature variations, keeping its benefits even after being heated.
What are the optimal conditions for good frying?
Avoid heat higher than 200 ºC, regularly remove food particles that accumulates during frying, always use proper amounts to ensure quick replacement with new fat, properly and frequently clean the deep frying pan, avoid several types of food in the same fat, and do not cover the fryer or pan during frying to prevent water drops from falling into the fat.
Nutritionally speaking, how does palm oil work in one's diet?
Palm oil, as other fats, helps to maintain healthy skin and hair, in addition to ensure absorption of some vitamins. Additionally, monounsaturated oils also help to maintain the levels of HDL cholesterol stable.
Which products are made with palm oil?
Palm oil is used in bread, pasta, pancakes, waffles, crackers, ready-to-eat cereals, potato chips, popcorn, toasts, cookies, cakes, pies, deserts, pastries, coffee creamers, non-dairy creams, baby food, coconut mixtures, French fries, onions, soups, broths, and some frozen food. As a fat indicated for frying, palm oil is highly resistant to oxidation and does not have an unpleasant odor when heated, as it is not composed of linoleic acid.
What is rancidity?
Rancid fat is that which chemical structure was degraded by certain factors: water, salt, air, temperature, or previous frying residues. Oil or fat with an unpleasant smell, dark color, or changed viscosity may be an alert that it is decomposing. This usually occurs when the oil is overheated to temperatures higher than 200 ºC, and then starts to burn, releasing bitter compounds and a pungent smoke. Excessive reuse may also cause the oil to get rancid.
What are lipids?
Lipids, also called (animal/vegetable) fats, are water-insoluble molecules. These fats may be used to produce margarines and fats and have basic functions in the organisms. One of them is energy supply to cells. However, fatty food in excess may cause cardiovascular diseases.
50% or 80% lipids margarine, what is their purpose?
Margarine with 50% lipids is usually indicated for domestic use, as it is lower in fat and may be deemed a light product. Margarine with 80% lipids is more indicated for culinary use, making bread, cakes, cookies, and others.
What is the difference between domestic and industrial margarine?
Industrial margarines have different characteristics compared to domestic (table) margarine, especially as to creaminess and melting properties in the mouth. The packed product is intended for household consumption given its practical packaging and creamy texture, even under refrigeration. On the other hand, margarine for industrial purposes are stored in buckets or boxes, have a firmer texture in order to be more resistant to heat and make storage easier, as there is no need for refrigeration.